
Hi, it’s me.

Michael Kühnel, Front-End Developer from Kassel, Germany – blogging about markup, CSS, JavaScript, tooling and related stuff. Sometimes in English and sometimes in German.

I’m working at Micromata with amazing people building software based on web technologies. Besides coding I enjoy hanging around with my family, friends and animals. Not to forget that I’m organizing the »Web Montag Kassel« together with @nuzy_ and @rvrng.

Getting in touch

Just hit me via email – Fingerprint: 3A7C284F814989C2 – GPG Public Key

You can catch me, my sourcecode, my gists, my presentations, my bookmarks, my articles and my photos on the following sites and services:
Twitter, GitHub, Flickr, slides, slideshare, Delicious, GitHub Gists, last.fm, Keybase, Google+, Xing, Instagram, Webkrauts … but please don’t try to stalk the hell out of me (•◡•)